We attended The National Rabbit Festival!

Heather Medley giving a talk at the National Rabbit Festival

On 19th October 2024, the UK held its second ever The National Rabbit Festival.

The Bunnyjackpot Foundation are so proud to say we are one of the festival’s founding rescues – we are so proud to have several rescue members on TNRF’s committee. In addition to that, our founder Heather presented two talks this year and sat on the rescue panel, and we had a stall manned by some fantastic team members!

The day was a brilliant one, meeting new and old faces from across the UK and celebrating truly ethical, gold standard rabbit care. In between eating amazing vegan food, visiting fellow rescuers and connecting with potential adopters, we managed to raise over £1000 just through our stall. It won’t surprise anyone to know that all of this has already been spent on rabbit vet bills (thank you Benoit and Seb)!

Much of the merchandise we had available at our stalls is for sale via message (we’re working on our online shop!), just send us a message. This includes hoodies of various colours, tote bags, mugs, care guides, bonding guides, pin badges and more.

With huge thanks to Lauren, Katie, Leanne, Jo, Jordain and Paige we can call this another successful year of celebrating rabbit kind with everyone.

Can’t wait for 2025.


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Amanda with her foster rabbit Grey

Foster focus: Amanda

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