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Why should you adopt a companion animal?

We live in a world where ‘getting’ an animal is easier than ever – you can walk into a pet shop and come out with a rabbit, a guinea pig, a hamster… so why would you go through the process of adoption?

Adoption saves lives! When you adopt a small animal you make space in the rescue for another animal in need – and of course you are providing a long awaited forever home for the animal you adopt.

In the long run, adoption is far cheaper! Neuter fee, vaccination fee, health checks and any treatment for outstanding health issues? Covered by the rescue prior to adoption. The adoption fee doesn’t even match the price of neuter!

You know the condition your chosen fluffy friend is in – no going in blind! Oftentimes animals being bought from the internet and pet shops come with infections (due to poor environment, lack of vet care and so on), and/or need vet care that can get very costly very quickly. Rescues have every animal vet checked and cleared prior to bonding/adoption. No surprises!

For rabbits and guinea pigs we take the stress of bonding away from you – and there’s no getting stuck with two animals who don’t get along. If one match doesn’t work you can try another animal until you find the right match, ensuring your guinea pig or bunny gets that all important companionship.

You have the support of a rescue for the rest of your guardianship journey! We work tirelessly to ensure that adopters feel supported, particularly through the bonding period and for the first few days after coming home.

Start your adoption journey today, we promise you won’t regret it!

Available Animals

Take a look at our recently rescued animals who are looking for their forever home.

Apply To Adopt Here

Register your interest in adoption and help us match you to one of our animals.

Rehomed Animals

Take a look at animals adopted from the foundation thriving in their forever homes.


Our adoption fee for rabbits is £80 per rabbit.

This is separate to the bonding fee.

Guinea pigs

Our adoption fee for guinea pigs is £50 per piggie.

This is separate to the bonding fee.


Our adoption fee for hamsters is £20.


Our adoption fee for rats is £25 per rat.

This is separate to the bonding fee.