Who would you like to adopt?
Your details
First name
Last name
Contact number
Email address
About your home and family
How many adults, aged 16 or over, live in your home?
How many children, aged under 16, live in your home?
Who has / will have responsibility for daily care of animals?
If yes, please detail the species
What vet practice do you use?
Existing rabbits
How many rabbits do you currently live with?
If you have multiple groups / pairs please detail how they are kept separate
History and Experience In this section we ask some questions to get a better understanding of your experience with rabbits and what your current circumstances are.
If you answered 'no' to the previous question, please detail any experience you do have with rabbits/research you have done on rabbit care and websites/sources used
If you answered 'yes' to the previous question please outline your experience with rabbits so far, how long you've had them and how comfortable you are with general rabbit care
If you have a single rabbit please detail the reason your rabbit doesn't have a partner at this time
If you have recently lost a rabbit please let us know the circumstances under which they passed away
Have you ever surrendered a rabbit? If yes, please detail the circumstances
Proposed environment In this section we need to understand the space the rabbits will be living in.
Please provide the full dimensions/measurements of your proposed setup
Please outline any and all safety measures you have put in place for the rabbits
Where do you intend to keep your rabbits (ie in the house)
Where will your rabbits be kept overnight?
Do you already have all of the equipment you intend to use for your rabbits?
Please could you detail your rabbit litter tray setup? What’s used, where located
Rabbits are clever and inquisitive animals, please outline any enrichment provided for the rabbits
What will you feed, what brand, and in what quantities?
Please upload up to 3x images/videos of your entire setup (300MB MAX)
Adopting from us! In this section we aim to understand which rabbits may or may not be suitable for your family.
Please note that if you are adopting to add to an existing rabbit that we have a mandatory bonding service at the rescue. Our bonding service does come with an additional fee to the adoption form - please let us know any questions you might have.
Have you got any specific criteria for adoption (eg: age, breed)?
Do you have any other information you'd like to tell us to support your application?